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마이호주 - 호주 한인 커뮤니티 포털사이트
hanyang international
2020-10-23 12:33
NSW Open [한양대학교] 온라인 겨울국제학교 학생모집중 (온라인으로 학점이수/액티비티 참여가능) [~11/30까지]
hanyang international
Seoul NSW


한국 한양대학교(서울) 국제팀 담당자입니다.

해외에서 유학중인 한국 유학생들을 대상으로 한양대 국제팀에서 주관하는 2021년 온라인 국제겨울학교 프로그램을 소개하고자 합니다.

모든 프로그램은 온라인으로만 100% 진행되며, 학점이수와 학생들과 교류할수있는 Avatar Tour, Korean Lounge, K-pop contest 등 온라인 액티비티들도 준비되어있으니, 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여부탁드립니다. 


국제겨울학교와 관련된 정보는 아래의 내용과 브로셔 및 공식홈페이지에서 확인해보실수있습니다.




<About HIWS Program>


● Description: Hanyang International Winter School (HIWS) is an international study program from Hanyang University. HIWS was launched in 2016 and hosted around 700 students last year. HIWS provides an excellent opportunity for students from all over the world to engage in credit-bearing academic courses as well as a unique opportunity to learn about Korea through interactive online activities.
● Program Period : January 04, 2021 - January 15, 2021 (2 weeks)
● Course: 20 Diverse Academic courses in 7 academic areas
● Credits: 3 credits with 45 contact hours
● Three Fun Online Activities
- Online K-POP Singing Contest
- Avatar Tour to Korea
- Virtual Korean Lounge
● Buddy Program for student online
- Wingels “Winter Angels of HIWS” Volunteer Hanyang University students will become your best Korean Buddies!
- The Wingels run various fun online activities
● Program Fees: KRW 900,000
● Application Period: September 01, 2020 - November 30, 2020

※※※※ Now the application is open at click:https://hanyangwinter.com/admission-procedure/ ※※※※

<About Hanyang University>
● Description: A world-class, prestigious university, Hanyang University participates in exchange projects with 800 partner universities across the globe. An industry leader in various fields such as education, research, and industry-academic cooperation.
As the first ranked Engineering school in Korea, Hanyang University is a leading private higher education institute in Seoul, and has 81 years of history and success.
● Established in 1939 as the first Engineering institute
● The 1st ranked Engineering school in Korea
● 25 Colleges and 110 Departments
● Partner with 800 Universities across the globe
● 32,000 students in total
● +10,000 International Student hosted annually
● World University Rankings(2020) 146th
● 2020 Chosun Daily University Ranking 24th
● 2019 Global Research Engineering School Assessment Ranked 2nd


● 국제겨울학교 프로그램 브로셔PDF :


● 프로모션 메일링크 :
● 국제겨울학교 공식홈페이지 :


로그인 후 댓글을 작성하실 수 있습니다.

Copyright © 2020 - 2024 마이호주 | MY HOJU 호주 한인 커뮤니티 포털 사이트 by MY HOJU IT Solution

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