관련 기사 번역본: https://blog.naver.com/shiny8811/222500590404도움이 되셨다면 구독과 좋아요, 알림설정 부탁드립니다.번역 지적은 댓글로 부탁드려요.오늘 뉴스는 뭐가 이렇게 긴지... 모르는 표현도 너무 많아서 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ업로드하는데 시간이 걸렸습니다.... 이제 운동하러 갑미다...Resource: NSW freedoms for fully vaccinated, PM defends vaccination strategy _ Coronavirus _ 9 News AustraliaKey exceptions in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)The Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) contains many exceptions to infringement.The dealing must be fair and for the purpose of, or associated with, reporting the news in:a newspaper, magazine or similar periodical; ora communication or in a film.If the news is reported in a newspaper or magazine or similar, a sufficient acknowledgement must be made.#영어뉴스 #호주뉴스 #시드니락다운